About me

Chi sono

You’re probably wondering why I am holding a brown box during an online class in Italian language, aren’t you? Well…let me tell you a story.

Many years ago, when I was still in high school, I started tutoring as a side job.

I was certainly not a genius in science subjects so I was mainly dedicated to helping students in foreign languages.

I helped students the way language teachers taught us at school: through the famous traditional method which in Italy is still the main method by which languages ​​are taught: a lot of grammar, vocabulary lists, and very little speaking practice. Exciting, right?

Obviously, it was immediately clear to me that it was not sustainable for me, or for the poor students I was helping.

It was immediately obvious to me that

  • teaching languages was not a side job for me: I WAS a teacher.

  • It was essential to create a relaxed and playful atmosphere during the lesson,

  • in which students could be at ease, make mistakes and have fun without being afraid of being judged.

    So I spiced things up a bit. Unexpectedly, the students' performances improved!

After everal years, here I am.

More experienced and still committed to making high-quality and original content for Italian learners to use, learn from, and integrate into their learning routines!


Curriculum Vitae (Résumé)

2011 - 2014 Cà Foscari University (Venice, Italy) - Languages, Linguistics and Cultural Studies Degree (110/110)

2011 Internship at CLA (Cà Foscari university Language Center)

2015 Italian teacher assistant at Cairns State Highschool (Cairns,Australia)

2016 - 2017 Teacher at Pop Corn Academy (Montegalda, Italia)

2017 - ongoing Online italian teacher on Verbling

2020 - ongoing Freelance teacher (English and Italian)

courses at private companies and collaborations with language centres (e.g. Helen Doron English School)